On the unceded slave-raiding
lands of the Euclataw people
Posts sorted by category:
Vancouver: revenge of the inadequate | Canada worth despair?
Western end times | B.C.’s junkie/homeless hustle | “Genocide”
Journalism | Satire | Books | History | Money | Music
You Can’t Say That
May you live in
interesting end times
The planet might not be doomed,
but the West certainly is
Revisiting The Last of Old Europe
The continent’s going under for the third time.
Canada’s finished.
Turn of the Jew
As the curse of interesting times continues,
times get even more interesting.
The special interests
hierarchy revised
Jews down, Muslims up, the social revolution divided.
They is there, too
Rediscovered stories depict the revenge of
the inadequate in 1970s England. Read more…
Polluted purgatory
Lost souls wander the dead planet of
Joy Williams’ climate change fantasy. Read more…
Journalism of the plague years
Alex Berenson’s Pandemia chronicles Covid machinations,
especially media collaboration. Read more…
Titania McGrath’s
crusade to Canada
Wokery’s most outspoken exponent extends
her disapproval to our this country. Read more…
Could Washington royalty
lead a palace coup?
Robert Kennedy Jr. defends health and
(some semblance of) liberty against
pandemic profit and power. Read more…
Identity politics:
On the edge of self-destructing chaos?
Read more…
“A dystopia
whose time has come”
2021 Stephen Leacock award celebrates the courage
and humility of Canadian journalism. Read more…
Thanks to B.C. politicians
The 2020 provincial election
made this world a better place.
Read more…
Not so nigh after all
Michael Shellenberger’s Apocalypse Never separates
climate science from climactic incitement. Read more…
Jean Raspail, 1925-2020
Vilified buteven worsevindicated, he saw
it coming. Read Srdja Trifkovics tribute…
One revolution, many fronts
George Floyd demos show the Wests mass hysteria changing
focus with increasing speed and intensity. Read more…
Decline and crash
Will the pandemic hasten
Lionel Shriver’s economic apocalypse?
Read more…
The big little country
that could
How the First World’s first failed state
finally made us proud. Read more…
Hey kids!
Dont let them narrow
your apocalyptic horizons!!!
Theres a lot more threatening you
than climate change, even if the more
conventional doomsayers deny it. Read more…
The end is still nigh
So James Rickards found time to write
another doomsday survival guide. Read more…
“The money-conjurers”
Only a radical reset can solve the central bank
problem, says Nomi Prins. Read more…
Europe R.I.P.
What does the old continent’s demise
mean to the New World? Read more…
Quixote amid the terror
Vicious as it is, Boualem Sansal’s dystopia offers
a glimmer of hope not seen in Orwell’s work.
Read more…